
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

tuesday update

hayloooo lovie-dovies.
in study hall real quick (i literally have seven minutes to type this and log off)

i have reached the forty page mark in my plot and paper novel!!!!
i know it's really not that far, but i'm fine with that. i'm where i wanted to reach before NaNoWriMo started. plus i'm kinda on a roll, so i may even reach 50 or 60 pages before Nov. 1.
which makes me very happy.
especially since codey is supporting both of my writing projects.

also, i've been posting my short little pieces (daydreams, if you will) on protagonize lately. after codey reads them. he kinda reads them first because most of them started with his little prompts...

i saw easy a last night.
it was amazing. i ♥ penn badgely.
and i now have a girlcrush on emma stone.
and olive pendergast is BAD. ASS.
just sayin'.


Saturday, October 16, 2010

duuuuuh-dunn! duuuuuuuuuh-dunn! duh-dun-duh-dun-duh-dun! it's almost heeeeeeeeeeee-re!

haylooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo lovie dovies!

guess what!!

it's almost here!

what is "it," exactly?


i know what you're thinking.
and no, i'm not edward cullen.
but, unless you have writer friends or are a writer yourself, you probably have absolutely N O  C L U E what NaNoWriMo is.

in short, NaNoWriMo is 50 T H O U S A N D words in 30 days.
sounds impossible, doesn't it?
well, allow me to let you in on a little secret.
closer...closer... closer...
it is possible.
some people even finish two.

some crazy, insane, completely out-of-their-mind writers actually attempt this.
including myself.
and i'm in high school.
i have homework and quizzes and tests and chores and friends and a boyfriend...
and i'm attempting to write a novel in that short of time.

and, really, i'm actually kinda confident i can balance it all and at least hit the 25k mark by the end of november.

codey says i'll make it waaayyy past that, but i'm trying to be realistic.
but he also says that i can be social just by sitting with him while i write, so...
i might.

i know what you're thinking again.
"but what about the plot and paper project?"
plot and paper's deadline is December 31.
i'm assuming that's midnight on new years', hopefully.
i am currently at 37 pages.
i'm hoping to reach somewhere near the 50 page mark before November 1. maybe even the 60 page mark.
and, during NaNoWriMo, it'll be my writers' block blocker. i'll work on it when i can't work on Bare Feet & October Daisies. and then i'll write more on it in December while i let BF&OD stew, and i'll look at it with fresh eyes, later.

i have some crazily big dreams and expectations.
can i honestly finish them both by their deadlines? probably not.
can i realistically expect that things aren't going to cause my writing to go to the wayside along the way? of course not.
but, go big or go home.


p.s: for more information on National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), visit
p.s.s: if you're up to the challenge and join NaNo, search either "MourningAndNight" in the Username box, or "Bare Feet & October Daisies" in the Author/Novel Info box.

Friday, October 15, 2010

meh. it's friday. :/

hayloo, lovies.
*sad sigh*

*sad llama*

i'm not exactly happy about today being friday.
i know, who am i? what high school student DOESN'T want it to be friday?
*points at self* this girl.
i don't want it to be friday, because, drumroll please, i have to go to my DAD'S this weekend.
normally this is just a big, sarcastic woop-dee-doo and a twirl of a finger or jazz hands, but not today.
going to my dad's mean i have to wait until monday morning to see my boyfriend after the 2:40 bell today.
and i'd've been fine with this, had i been able to hang out and study and make him dinner last night, as was the plan.
but, he got up in rebuilding a dog cage some jerk said he hadn't built right originally (which he DID.) so he didn't get to come over.
which made me a very sad and slightly angry girlfriend.
but, it got me to write the best piece of work i've written in, well, ever.

but now for some fill-in-the-blanks from the little things we do

f i l i t h b l a n k s

1. Blogging is a creative outlet for me and my life wouldn't be the same without it.

2. A current fashion trend I wish I was brave enough to wear is a baby doll tunic with leggings and lace. if i owned it i might get the guts to wear it, but who knows.

3. My greatest accomplishment in life thus far is attempting to juggle two writing projects with DEADLINES at once.
(still haven't exactly accomplished this, but i'm hoping to next month)

4. If I had to choose between a mountain or a beach vacation I'd choose ocean vacation, definitely. i am an ocean girl - if i do remember right, "marissa" means "star of the sea".

5. A talent I wish I had is being able to curl my hair without using braids and without absolutely taking forever.

6. A talent I do have is being able to turn my bad moments into beautiful words.

7. This week went by too fast. time flies when you're having fun, i suppose.
i actually let codey read what i wrote last night while i was annoyed with him last night. it was a written down daydream, the way i wanted everything to happen. the surprise of the dinner, the october daisy... though it probably covers about five minutes total time.
i did that by letting him have my scribble pad for the first class period.
and, quite frankly, i freaked the eff out.
i don't like people having my notebook where i can't see it. i might be the tiniest ocd about it.
but now it's back in my possession, and i'm calm...
and i'm going to keep letting him read what i write.

p.s. -- almost to the forty page mark in plot and paper! hoping to reach at least 45 by sunday. le boyf is turning out to be more of an inspiration, less of a distraction.
and he says in november i can be social by writing furiously while sitting on his lap or with my feet on his lap.
i must say, i like this idea.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


hayloo lovie-dovies.

i am typing this so that i don't completely zone out and miss the bell today.
dang you, patrick, for asking about that one thing that i've been doing my best to keep out of my head, and i'd been doing pretty dang good at it, too.
and no, it's not that.
and i was already wound up. ughhhhh.

and, of course, i mention this at codey and he grins evilly at me. that boy is up to something, i swear.
i mean, other than the picnic...
oh, hi mom *blushes*

(i just completely forgot she now reads this blog *facepalm* *waves sheepishly* i love yew mommeh)

in other news, my mom read one of his texts to me last night (thankfully it was just something like a "yes, it will be." i mean, none of them are incriminating, just rather cheesy and flirty and DANGIT I'M A TEENAGE GIRL SHUTUP.) and was able to figure out his signature "" (ahem, *sniffle*) within about two seconds.

also, in light of mocking castle's daughter (we had just watched the episode from monday night - it was pretty good, too!) i sing-songed "mom, how do you know you're in love?"
except for i couldn't keep a straight face as i said it.
and i may have been mildly curious.
mom's reply? "are you just joking or do you want a serious answer?"
me (internally): dang i forgot she can read my mind practically.
me (externally): *sheepish smile while turning from doing dishes* "a little bit of both...?"

and then she talked until my stepdad got back from the gas station.

so, basically, i'm most fluent in spanish right now. my english is total gibberish.
and i don't mind one bit.


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

p&p - distractions and inspiration

haylooo lovie-dovies.
i know i haven't posted since last friday (holy crap who am i?!), but i've been busy.
with plot & paper... and le boyf.

saturday's homecoming dance was really freaking awesome (if the moon fell down will probably now be my permanent favorite song, now), as was staying up until two or three gabbing with leila.

sunday, after i left leila's house was the teeniest bit torture.
i feel like i'm going to end up dying from lack of affection this weekend, probably.


34/180 pages

i know it's not much progress since last week's post, but at least it's something.
plus, people have been asking to read it and i don't exactly feel like saying no.

codey is a major distraction, though. a teeny bit of inspiration, but definitely distraction.
besides, if i do my chores, i get to see codey.
if i work on my novel, i spend more time at the house.

oh, and i've resorted to wearing silly bands to keep myself awake, during class and at home.
the old rubber band trick, but now cuter.

considering my progress, i haven't really gotten to delve into my ideas from last week's post, but i'm hoping i'll still be able to.

AAAAAND i'm brainstorming for NaNoWriMo.

*head explodes*

basically, i have to decide to be true to all of my writing and be antisocial towards my boyfriend (*happy sigh as i think the word*) or neglect my writing.

us writers... we lead rough lives. :P


Friday, October 8, 2010

feliz viernes

hola, lovie-dovies, and happy friday.

i am sooo tired this morning. beyond belief.

and i need to proofread my texts better.

today's fill in the blank fun is from The Little Things We Do

1. The first thing I do in the morning to start my day is crank up some energetic music and start to sing - it's the only thing that'll wake me up.

2. Today I wish I was not at school but instead just relaxing and having fun with Codey and the rest of the gang.

3. If I had an extra $100 in my bank account today I'd go buy a B U N C H of music.

4. Tomorrow I will be going to another Homecoming dance and dinner at Max & Erma's with friends.

5. Two things that don't go together are Fridays and homework.

6. Something I can never pass up at the grocery store is a Snickers Dark bar or, if I don't already have it, the newest edition of Seventeen.

7. The last time I tried something new was last Saturday. Just last Saturday in general.
well, i barely had enough time to even type this post, and it was mostly copy and paste...
i may blog more later during study hall.
later, lovies.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

♫ if you want more love why don't you say so? ♫

hayloo, lovies.

today's post will be a plot and paper post.

30/180 pages...
that, according to the calculator on the computer, is about 16%.

n e i d e a s
my original plan for (re)learning how to fly was to make it a typical YA romance with some wit and innuendo. throw in a dash of abuse and teenage girl jealousy and voila, i would be done.

but, @katelinnea gave me the idea this morning to make it into a YA romance/mystery. well, she was saying from reviewing bones and castle that she's tempted to change her NaNo idea from a YA romance to just a mystery, but i've been playing with this idea for a while.
we all know i'm hooked on shows like white collar, veronica mars, bones, castle, lie to me, and psych.
not enough YA books are like that. they are, quite frankly, shallow for the most part.
i like books like i like my tv shows.
i want to try and guess the end and i want you to keep me guessing.
i've been searchingsearchingsearching for YA books like that. they are hard to find unless you're into more supernatural stuff, and i'm not exactly a really paranormal book reading person.

but, a few months ago, i met kristina mcbride.
she is wonderful person, and an even more amazing author.
one who you wouldn't expect to write a kidnapping novel.
but, she does.
and it's not your typical kidnapping story.
it's told from the friend of the victim.

i thought that the tension of opposites would be a book that would freak me out, mainly because i know where everything happens.
but it didn't.
tessa juggles the return of her best friend noelle - who now wants to be called elle - and the new boy in town that is ohb-vee-us-lee into her.
and, let me tell you, if boys from that area were actually like that, i would never want to leave home.
i immediately fell in love with her male lead. he was everything a teenage girl wants in a guy.
but, dealing with elle kind of screws it all up.
the tension of opposites kept me guessing at every turn.
there might not have been a lot of mystery involved, but you never knew what elle would screw up next.

kristina mcbride has made me want to try my hand at a little mystery.
i no longer want to be predictable.
i won't limit it to one typical subject matter that you find in YA books.
dessen tends to put two in each book. one or more neglectful parents, and one other thing that just needs to be put into the teens of today's minds so they know they're not alone.

and, i am now out of time, so i won't elaborate more.
like i was going to, anyway.
*rolls eyes*


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

♫ you are slowly breaking me down

hayloo, lovie-dovies!

today's post title is from a song a friend of mine (go to myspace music and find kelsey skaggs). it is my favorite song off of her entire cd, and is absolutely bee-yoo-tee-full.

can i get a drumroll, please!

codey gets to go with me to my other dance!


i'm still spending the night with leila afterward, and it's still gonna be a big-ish group, but i'm still really excited.
and nervous.
because bringing a date no one knows on a group thing with me, leila, and sweets (and possibly winter) is like going on american idol or so you think you can dance.
we go after them like rabid dogs.
and this'll be my first time bringing a date who isn't part of the group, so i'm pretty nervous.
yet, he isn't.
i'm nervous enough for the both of us.
but we're both really glad he gets to come with me. leila says our relationship ain't official til she says it is.
i love you, you crazy witch.

but, i'm really really happy since everyone seems to want to meet each other... though i haven't spoken to winter about it yet...
but, hell, i haven't really spoken to him since last december.
last time i saw him was february.

but it'll be fun, i'm sure of it. even if i'm technically not supposed to be eating gluten which means i shouldn't even step foot inside of an olive garden but i'm fine with this because i'll probably eat tons of junk at lei-lei's anyway.

plus it means i get to spend more time with codey. which i *definitely* approve of.

i know that i promised to dish about him on twitter yesterday after i got chores done, but i was hardly able to watch lie to me online at 9:30 without falling asleep.
i will as soon as i can. clio, bailey, caillie, spencer:: please do not hurt me.

i cannot wait until lunch.
especially today, because we're hi-jacking another table because yesterday my people were especially crazy and there may have been a comment or two on how i "need to get laid."
i. do. not.

so, completely different table today. he's only bringing patrick and cameron, i'm only bringing angie.


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

♫ fathers be good to your daughters.... ♫

hayloo, lovie-dovies.
the title of this post truthfully has no relevance to the content what-so-ever, other than it was the last song i was listening to.

plus we all know i love me some john mayer.

i have one month until my birthday *squeeeee* and i kinda want my dad to learn that for me for my birthday.
not too much to ask for, right?

well, right now i'm kinda sorta really happy right now because a) i've had four hugs from le boyf already and it's only 3rd period, b) he was able to actually explain my math homework to me in a way that i understand, and c) he's actually less than a year older than me.


this weekend is greene's homecoming, and... okay, leila, please don't hurt me, but i'm not excited as i was before. i thought that my dance was going to be miserable, but it wasn't. it was the best. dance. ever.
now, if i could bring le boyf with me, it'd be a whole 'nother story.
but, i follow the best friend code.
bff asked me first, bf was just a recent addition.
*looks at leila for permission* *puppy dog eyes*
i know he'll go for it. *sheepish smile*
i luuuuuuuve you lei-lei....
or, should i say, GIRLFRIEND :P
you, my darling, have the greatest teenage girl mind EVERRRR.
*gets on knees* *begs*
plus then you get to meet him.... C:

i have... wrote one more sentence in my plot and paper. that train of thought kind of crashed. i'll probably try to get some done when i'm at leila's on saturday night.

oh, and honey? what color is your dress?

well, it's almost the end of class and i'm like freezing cold. i soooo need to go to my locker to get codey's hoodie again, but i can't do that until before 5th period....


Monday, October 4, 2010

plot & paper update

haylooooooooo lovie-dovies.
*big goofy grin*

Frenchie:: **big goofy LLAMA grin**

Me: shut up, Frenchie.

okay, i have HARDLY written anything for my plot&paper project since last week.
please do not shun me, but i had to play cinderella.


but, it was worth it.

saturday was the best dance i have been to. EVER.
four straight hours of dancing practically nonstop,
not stepping on my date's feet any of the, like, seven times we slow danced (uhm, winter, that means YOUR the one who can't dance!),
spazz dancing,
aaaaand slow dancing to a couple of fast songs.

oh, did i mention that a) i now have a boyfriend? and b) i happen to be wearing his jacket?

i stole it from him yesterday because i was cold at the cookout we were at and i didn't want to go inside. so, he hugged me a lot and let me borrow his jacket.

which smells reeeeeeeeally good.

things i have learned this past weekend...

my exboyf is a halfway decent guy, just not for me.

sometimes it's a really good choice to take a chance that could leave you heartbroken.

codey has a true way with words - i think he's even better than me, even though he doesn't aspire to be a writer.

and when you literally fall (because you get pushed about ten times in one night ON PURPOSE) and somebody catches you everytime, it gives you this really good feeling.

i know, that last one is strange.


Friday, October 1, 2010

feliz viernes!!!!! *squee*

haylooo lovie-dovies.

haiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii mommehhhhhhh!!!
i. love. you.

you may have noticed my hiatus(?) on twitter over the past couple of days.
basically, i got in trouble.
so i won't be on twitter for... as long as my mom decides.

BUT she said it's okay for me to blog at school as long as there isn't anything else for me to do.

so, here i am.

oh. my. effing. god!!!
tomorrow is homecoming!!!!!
aaaand i have a date!!!!! (for those of you who do not follow me on twitter)

i am so excited. he is awesome. and i get to see him in my next class *goofy llama grin*

well, real quick i'm gonna do the fill-in-the-blanks from the little things we do.

1. True happiness is being loved, being stable, and living life.
2. The most surreal moment of my life was... I don't have one. Not yet.

3. My favorite texture is silk and velvet. Or really soft denim. I love jeans when they are that reaaaaally super soft denim...

4. My signature color is black or brown. Though I look dang good in jewel colors (deep purples, red orange, emerald to forest green, various blues...)

5. My signature style is cute but comfy. And, to me, skinny jeans (or jeggings), a funky top, some cool jewelry, and some form of high heeled boot is cute and comfy.
6. If I could choose one store to spend my life savings at, it would probably be Forever 21 or Macy's. I love them both. They have the right amount of funky and chic.

7. My best thing about autumn is EVERYTHING! Autumn is my absolute favorite season. The colors, the chill, the football games, the school, the fact that it's finally acceptable to wear jeans, boots, scarves, and drink hot chocolate daily.

we have a pep rally at the end of school today, so study hall is gonna be cut short. i only have a little bit of time left.

later lovelies.... and mah favorite mommeh in the whole world C:


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

plot & paper update - 93 days left!

hayloo lovies.
i've been busy working on a paper in english, so i've been using my extra time in computer apps to work on that.

update on the whole asking-someone-to-the-dance thing?
breanna refuses to tell me if he has a gf until 7 period TODAY.
grrrrrr meanie.
if not, i'm asking him tomorrow or forever living in shame.

p l o t ♥ a n d ♥ p a p e r ♥ p r o j e c t

according to asheyna , there are 93 days left until the end of the plot and paper project.

i am currently somewhere in the middle of chapter two, and on about page 27.
i feel like i'm doing well, avoiding distractions for the most part (i do not qualify twitter (or castle or glee) as distractions. they are research tools.)
i'm writing pretty much every chance i get, in place of people watching after i get done in class.
(re)learning is kind of a typical young adult romance novel, though i like to think that, though it's a stereotypical YA, it's different. a lot of YA novels that i DON'T like have boooring dialogue that is "correct" way to write it.
real teenagers don't talk like that.
real teenagers conversations are fast, quick-witted, and innuendo-filled.
we don't talk just to pass information.
we talk to talk.
we use slang, made up words, and use regular words to mean other things.
girls sometimes give guys codenames like "yahoo" or "google" or "lovah boy" (i hate you, leila. jk. luvvs yew :P)
teenagers don't always say what they mean.
and i feel like many novels capture that.

during all of my fast-paced dialogue, coffee-dumping, slap-facing action, i have alluded to asheyna.
a few weeks ago, when a certain person called me a femi-nazi ignorant etc., she mentioned to me that once, a(n) (ex)boyfriend had called her a Soul-less Ice Queen.

"As soon as she walked away, I muttered under my breath. 'I thought I was supposed to be the soul-less ice queen extrodinaire!'
'Darling, you still are. She just gives you a run for your money.'"

end scene.

you see, that is how my friends and i talk. we don't use proper grammar, we say words that don't even exist!
and that is how i make my characters talk.

i am a strange person. i hardly ever have any homework, except for bigger stuff, because i mostly get it done at school. i have a mandatory 30 minute study hall (which i mostly use for writing), and i typically have a lot of time during class. which leads to me not having homework.
mainly because i don't talk that much during class.
unless zoey is in there....
*waves at zoey next to me*

gotta go!


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

class rings

hayloo lovie-dovies.

today sophomores are going to an assembly type thing for class rings.
woo effing hoo.

likely an hours worth of boring, useless information. i'm not getting one.
so, hopefully i won't get yelled at if i bring my notebook and work on my plot and paper project.

i accidentally cut sexeh acting partner with a cable today.
not on purpose.
he was playing with it, it was his own fault.
but it cut him.
and now i feel really bad.

i am still totally #teamhatewednesday.
i am having an awful day.

first i finally figured something out.
and it was dreadful.
i've been mad - no, pissed! - at my best friend for almost a year...
and this morning information fell together that made me feel so guilty.
so. so. so. so. so. guilty.
i honestly didn't have a reason to be mad at him.

but now, i realize, the blame pretty much falls on my dad. and me.

mostly my dad.

and now i haven't spoken to that best friend really since february.

what. have. i. done.

that has made me grouchy all morning.
then adding the cutting levi with that cable (i am soooo sooo sorry levi! though i know you have no way of reading this) and the effing sophomore class meeting for class rings, and i'm a downright witch-with-a-b.

the good thing is that i didn't need my coffee this morning.
because that realization woke me up like someone shoving me into an ocean full of ice water.

i honestly just want to go home. my head is killing me {thank you, migrane} and i just want sleep and knitting needles and some veronica mars... or glee.

p l o t ♥ a n d ♥ p a p e r ♥ p r o j e c t

i am currently just over twenty pages into my plot&paper, and there has already been a covered up bruise and a bad breakup.

*cue the breaking up is hard to do song*

and i'm on chapter two. barely. which is pretty good, for me, at least.

well, later, lovelies.


Monday, September 20, 2010

terrible twos

hayloooo lovie-dovies, and happy monday.

psh. contradiction of terms, but today hasn't been that bad so far.

i spent the weekend camping, volunteering, and babysitting at a local earth work.
baby james (who is 18 months old and totally adorable) was a little mischievous, but otherwise well behaved.
but try walking three miles while holding a toddler in your arms. (one trip around the serpent is one mile, if i remember right.)
he has gotten so big!
his sisters and i all babysat him, the spoiled little boy :)

but, watching him for over 24 hours has made me realize something.

uh uh. no way. no how. not until i'm at least 23.

i did not make the play *sadpanda* but that's okay. he said that my name kept going towards the top of the list, but there weren't enough female parts (there are only two in the odd couple).
i told him if there are any stage jobs where i can be bossy, i will gladly work stage crew.

in acting today, we were working on our monologues. again.
today we were working on memorizing them.
and oz didn't make me and sexeh acting partner split up!

but dori got added to our group (i heart her) coz her partner wasn't here today.

my monologue is pretty long, but i have at least half of it memorized, which i am proud of :D
i have sexeh acting partner's monologue COMPLETELY memorized, though.
it's ferris bueller. it's hard not to memorize.

sexeh acting partner is now also known as terrible two, because he was acting worse than baby james was this weekend.

i jacked a piece of his gum, though.

and he looks dang good in neon blue skinny jeans.

like, drool worthy.

before you even ask it, yes, yes, rissa has a crush.
shutit. shutit.

or i'll sick frenchie on you.

frenchie: *prepares to lick your face*

y'know, sexeh acting partner has really pretty eyes...

anyone who knows me in RL knows i am a total sucker for blue eyed boys.
but he has frickin' silver eyes.

i think i may have just became more of a silver eye girl than a blue eye girl.

*starts to daydream*

frenchie: *licks my face*

me: *snaps out of it* dammit, frenchie!

frenchie: *llama grin*

class is almost over.


Friday, September 17, 2010

feliz viernes!

haylooooo lovie-dovies.

it's friday.

and i have a baby llama ninja named frenchie who wears a beret.


you'd have to follow me on twitter to understand that...
i'm on page 14 in my plot and paper project, and will be working on it lots more over the weekend.

imma wearin' mah OSU shirt today.
buckeye pride!

f i l l  i n  t h e  b l a n k  f r i d a y

1. When I get a day to myself I write, read, knit, and watch as much TV as I can. 
2. High school was (is).... Meh. I'm indifferent. I don't particularly enjoy it.

3. A little dream I have is to get married. I know, cheesy, but true.

4. A big dream I have is to get published and get a following. That has been my life-long dream.

5. If I could drive any car, my pick would be a red, hard top Mercedes Benz convertible. I saw one the other day and it was fierce. I want it.
6. A time that I felt really and truly beautiful was ... I'm not really sure. I mean, homecoming last year kind of, but...

7. Tomorrow I will.... be at Serpent Mound, minding the craft tables and camping.
ugh, my neck is killing me! i'm hoping to get some writing done in study hall today.
i don't have much time left, so time to say toodles!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

invisible reports

hayloooo lovies.
posting twice in one day! it's a miracle!
ell oh elllll!

so, i'm in the computer lab for study hall again.
i honestly don't actually have anything to work on on the computer.
ok, there is ONE thing. i'm working on figuring out poems to use for the Nancy Thorp poetry contest.
but am i really doing that?
no. okay, a little bit, but more blogging. because i don't have homework.
though i should be working on plot and paper. but i don't wanna right now. maybe tomorrow.

invisible reports come in veddy veddy handy when you want to get on the computer.
i know that i should not deceive my teachers like that (plz not to be hurting me, annie and asheyna) but i would rather play on the computer than sit there in that stuffy classroom rotting my brain away.

that is why i do not bother with a study hall.

my hair is soooo messy right now. at least it's in a bun. i was too lazy to try and make it look nice because i did this bun in about ten seconds or less in my history class.
which is right before lunch and mandatory study hall.

i cannot believe some people actually opt for A N O T H E R study hall. are they effing insane?

i keep running into levi today.
and i A L M O S T think it's on purpose.
but now i know his locker number.
do not call me a stalker. i am not.
just observant.

513 is now my favorite number.

angie isn't here today, so i just sat with sam and andrea at lunch (aka i just sat at my usual table minus the angie)
and i keep waiting for the sophomore year "jocks" to turn around and say
with wide eyes and drool coming out of their mouths.
looking at andy and sam, of course.
i just listen and laugh
let's just say it's not exactly G rated... or even PG-13.
they joke that they're corrupting me.
my reply?
"i'm already corrupted in the head! don't even bother with worrying about it."

because, between twitter and bus rides, (and just growing up) i have already been corrupted in the head.

ugh, this desk is killing my wrists! there's a metal part and it is sharp and is right where my wrists hit when i'm typing. and i think it might of just broke skin.
ewwwwwwww germies.

if i get the time after i get home, i am definitely posting a wishlist (like on annie's blog!)
because my 15th birthday is november 5! W00T W00T!

well, gotta go! less than five minutes until i leave for algebra.


school. bleh.

hayloooo, lovie-dovies.


you know i'm exhausted if i've almost fallen asleep in english class yesterday, bio today, and on bus rides to and from school.

i. need. caffeine.

and/or food.
yesterday, i hardly had anything for lunch because we hardly had anything to pack for lunch. so, i had like three sandwiches when i got home.
that is how fracking hungry i was.

aaaaandddd annoying news:
we (meaning levi and i) have been asked if we were dating.
two days in a row.
by. the. same. people.

just because we have stage chemistry does not mean we have actual chemistry.
*mumbles something*

but it's seriously effing annoying.
it feels like last year all over again (meaning the "are you dating? you two would make such a keeeyoooot couple!").
except for, i'm in an actual high school,
i don't have a date (of the opposite sex - leila, you are still my date, right? lol),
some people who i was talking to last year haven't talked to me since february,
and a certain somebody is still. dead.

i didn't get to write at auditions last night because they were very hands on. we all tried out at the same time. i'm going back tonight.
it was so much fun, though!
plus i found out we have wifi in the cafeteria/auditorium.
and it's not locked!!!1!!!1111!!!

i really hope i get a part in the play. it'll look good on transcripts and it'll be fun.

this morning, i was not hug attacked by dearest exboyf, but instead got an arm around me by one of zoezoe's senior friends.

my initial thought:
"uh, who the hell is this guy and why does he have his arm around me?"

two seconds later:
"awwwh, f*ck it."

simply because i like hugs.

p l o t  &  p a p e r  p r o j e c t

hopefully, i will get a lot of writing done this weekend while i'm camping at serpent mound.
and, hopefully the mound will help me write.
or the fact that there is no internet or cell service there.
*starts sobbing*


i will surely be insane by the end of the weekend.
that or i'll sneak to bev and jim's house and hijack their internet.
wait, that sounds like a pretty good idea!

levi *is* adorable though.
really adorable.
and awesome to work with in acting.

awwwh, who'mah kidding.
that boy is freaking sexy.

but, today he kept trying to get people to pick me to read my monologue (from the first tape in the book of Thirteen Reasons Why) because a) he thought it was a good choice, b) he thought i was good at it, and c) he wanted to show the class that i can be totally serious.
because, around him, i tend to be a total clown.

like, we were totally faux ninja / cat fighting yesterday.
and we were very loud.
and he is very distracting.

the adorableness....

well, before i get more distracted between exhaustion and trying not to think about levi, i better go.


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

study hall and an update on plot and paper!

haylooooo lovie-dovies.
how ya be?

i am currently in study hall (ok, not in my actual study hall class, but across the hall in the empty computer lab - well, empty except for sam)

my back huuuuuurts and i do not want to go to algebra.
i am so tired from staying up late and putting poems together in a composition book so my english teacher could look at them to see if she wanted to sponsor me in a poetry contest.

i hope she does, and i hope she'll have an opinion on which to use!

i am still starving though i just got back from eating lunch.
i didn't pack enough because we don't have a lot of food at home right now.
we have to go to the grocery store before or after my "the odd couple" audtition tonight.

i am most definitely bringing my plot and paper project with me tonight, though. that way i'll be able to get some done while i'm waiting to audition.

speaking of my plot and paper project, i am currently on page twelve or thirteen, and am so jealous of glenna who is somewhere in the ninety page zone.
how the hell did you do that, blue lipstick samurai?!

i like how it's developing, though.
it's actually a story that i wrote 20K into last year, but needed some definite TLC after my abandoning it.
i started in a different place this time, and it's going much better.
more drama.

drama in books = good
drama in life = bad

well, i have to go back into my study hall classroom and get my stuff, so later gators!


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

drama king & queen

hayloo, lovie-dovies.
i have like ten minutes or less to write this post, so i better hurry up.

i proudly bear the name "drama queen" most of the time. as long as it's not drama queen as in is a total bitch (in a bad way) and makes too much out of everything.

i mean drama queen where you're dramatic and funny when the situation calls for it.

like, per se, in acting class.

oz (aka mr. wallingford. i call him oz.) didn't make levi and i split up today in acting.
and, honestly, i'm starting to think that he splits us up because we're loud, not because we need to work with other people.

yeah, we might get a little loud when we work together. but we have to be able to throw our voices!
ok, FINE, we get VERYYY loud. yelling and such.

but it's fun and it's expected in acting class.

he is the drama king to my drama queen, quite honestly.

he is awesome, just as an eff whyyy aiiii.

i have developed a very strong love for contentless scenes. especially when they involve numbers, because then it's combining two of my favorite things:::
math and being dramatic.

on another note, i just finished 150 words that i had for homework in us history last night. i am soooo fracking glad i finished it.
i am a total procrastinator, but also completely OCD about my schoolwork and grades.
it's painful, really.

i love wearing pigtails. they're fun.

oh, and i finished 13 reasons why last night.
one of my absolute favorite books now, and i'm using a monologue from in tomorrow in acting class.

chao, loves.


Monday, September 13, 2010

happy monday! {is a contradiction of terms}

haylooo, lovie-dovies.
back in computer apps again.
and it is monday.
i typically don't like mondays. but, for some reason, today i'm feelin' pretty dang good.
and i haven't had any caffeine.
dubya tee eff?

as always, acting class is already the highlight of my day. mostly because i enjoy being dramatic.
but levi and i got seperated *sniffle*

i do understand it, we need to work with more than just one person, but i haven't worked with him THAT much.

and, dearest Eve S. D'ropper (haiiiiiii colleeeeeeeen ;D )
i will post more about levi.
but later, when i'm not at school where people can read over my shoulder. (i'm lookin' at you, zoezoe)

u p d a t e s
  • i am almost finished with jay asher's "thirteen reasons why." i love it. everyone needs to read it. especially those who have considered suicide before.
  • i got my signed copy of kelsey skaggs' "lady liberty" album over the weekend, and it is freaking amazing. except, when i hear "l-o-v-e", i still here the little "click-click-click" thing from the booth. (y'know, the recording booth?)
  • i will admit that i didn't get much of my plot & paper project done over the weekend. i started getting on a roll on saturday night, but we ended up leaving right after i started getting into that groove.
  • i am trying out for the odd couple on wednesday and thursday. i checked out one of the scripts today, and it is currently on top of my stack of books.
okay, i am like totally praying that i don't get much homework today, because i am literally craving writing. yes, that is possible.
luckily, so far, i don't have any. because we turned in our packets for bio today, and i don't study, so there's nothing there. i'll probably have math homework (which i'll just do in study hall tomorrow) and probably english work. possibly history, but i bet i'll get that done in class.

i am really really hungry and have two hours until lunch.
two whole classes where i actually have to learn.
eff emm ell!
actually, i think the only reason i'm noticing it is because i'm wearing a belt today to cinch a shirt, and i'm not used to wearing a belt that tight that high. which could very possibly mean i'm not as hungry as i feel.
i betcha angie'll ditch me again at lunch today.
but that's fine, i'll just sit with the awesome new girl sam who is one of the only other sophomores in my history class.
(we have to take freshman history because the schools we went to last year had US History for sophomores and World Studies for freshman. damn you, WHS, get it right!)

well, it's almost time to get out of class, so i might post more later.


Thursday, September 9, 2010

plot&paper project

hayyylooooo, lovie-doves.
back in computer apps, yet again!
and today, i don't have make-up work to finish, so free time!

acting class is simply amazing. i have the best acting partner.
we don't have assigned partners, but everybody pretty much stays with the same partner everyday.
his name is levi. and he is... adorable.

shut up, leila.

have you, dear readers, ever done the mirror exercise?
if so, you know just how tricky it is to move at the same time as the other person.
levi and i are scarily good at it.
plus, we've been working on "contentless scenes" where we, for example, count to ten, back and forth, while kind of acting out a scene. like a girl who has a crush on the football star (that one was way fun, though i think i may have been a little too good at it...) or like one person was going to murder the other.

very fun stuff.

but, the main reason for this post is because of the lovely glenna's (p.s. i ♥ your name!) plot and paper project.

most of you, i assume, have heard of NaNoWriMo.
that's national novel writing month, for those of you who don't know who that is.
i still plan on participating, unless i get really swamped.
one story at school, one at home.

NaNoWriMo's end-of-the-month goal is 50,000 words.

the plot and paper project is a novel written entirely by hand - no typing. the goal is 180 pages by december 31.
since i prefer writing by hand and i am obsessed with pretty notebooks and pens, this project is perfect for me.

so, i'm in.

i'll likely be posting progress reports on either thursdays or sundays -- sometimes even both.

to find out more about the plot and paper project, go to the link above, or search #plotandpaperproject on twitter.


Sunday, September 5, 2010

sore throats & G.D.O-s

hello, loves!

i love sundays. especially sundays where i get to have a g.d.o (girl's day out) with my momma. 
we went to one of my favorite little towns (think stars hollow, but full of hippies and hipsters), in search of a seemingly elusive stitch-n-bitch.

we didn't find it. we checked every coffee shop in town (there are about ten), and every single one referred us to a different one.
it was still fun, though.
and, in the end, i got an early birthday present::
a hematite and sterling silver ring, with rather complex metal work. i looooooooooove it.

but, i was walking around all day with a sore throat and a sinus headache.
which sucked.
like, majorly.

since i was about half done with my english essay prior to the weekend, i am going to finish it tomorrow. tonight, it is veronica mars and pull-n-peel twizzlers.
om nom nom.

i love three day weekends a crazy amount.
especially after a friday full of unexpected twists and turns.

first, zoe and i were waiting for the first bell (the one that allows us to go to our lockers -- until then, we're stuck outside, in the lobby, or in the cafeteria) and we were walking around. i can sum up this event in two words::: haylooooooo nelson.
freshman aren't supposed to be that cute. or tall. it's against the rules.

second, zoe dragged me into the cafeteria. i am never in there before school starts, so it was weird for me.
what was even weirder was my ex-boyfriend (who now has a mohawk -- UGHHHHH) hugged me. hugged me.

then, in either biology or computer apps, (i think it was bio because we were setting up an experiment...) zoe was like "i can introduce you to nelson/set you guys up." 
conflict of interest, here. a) i wanna stick to my "lonely hearts club" pact, but b) dayummmm.

 and, to top it all off, andrew (also known as pickleseimer) for some reason is being nice to me.
dubya tee eff?

well, the twizzlers and netflix await me.


Friday, September 3, 2010

feliz viernes

hello, loves!

i t ' f r i d a y ! ! ! ! ! !

and it is the second friday of my sophomore year.
allow me to simply say that i am so glad that this is labor day weekend!
i need a break from the work they've already been giving us.
i already have TWO major projects for ONE SINGLE ENGLISH CLASS.

i feel like it is a fill-in-the-blank friday. do you feel it, too? here we go!

f i l l  i n  t h e  b l a n k s:
t r a v e l  e d i t i o n!

as always, this is hosted by lauren!

  • if i didn't have to work (go to school, in my case) anymore, i would travel a lot, write a lot, and make lots of good food. also, most of my time would be spent sleeping.

  • my favorite thing abot vacation is when it is completely spontaneous. planned vacations are just work. the only thing that really needs to be planned on vacation is where, how long, how much, who's going with you, and how many days of travel time will you need.

  • when packing for a trip i have a tendency to pack too much. i mean, i pack the exact amount of clothes i need, plus two extra outfits (or at least one extra pair of jeans), lots of notebooks, lots of reading books, and lots of toiletries.

  • if i could go on a road trip with anyone (dead OR alive) i would choose john mayer, matt bomer, sarah dessen, or maureen johnson because they are all awesome people (and the guys are hot) (and the women are extremely talented authors) and we would go to new york, seattle, and chapel hill, NC, because they are all places i want to visit and because three out of four of them live or work in new york.

  • my top 3 absolute travel essentials are lots of yarn to knit up, good music, and good food/drinks (especially stuff with caffeine).

  • vacations are something that everyone needs at least once a year. it doesn't have to be something big, but everyone needs some actual scheduled in time to relax AT LEAST once a year.

  • on vacation you must always have good friends, good food, good music, and have fun.

well, loves, i will post more later. now i'm off to watch white collar with my momma :D


Thursday, September 2, 2010

acting class

hello, lovelies.

while i am a writer, i must admit that i am a t o t a l drama queen.

big surprise, right?

well, acting class is so far my total favorite class of my sophomore year. mr. w is awesomely funny, and i don't get yelled at for being dramatic. in fact, i get applauded for being dramatic.

ahem, WOOT!

awesome people, too.
even though zoezoe ain't in there.
but levi and faraah are awesome.

i seem to always have free time in computer apps, which i love. this always happens in computer class. i type too fast, apparently. when i don't have twitter to distract me...
today i even made my flyer about NaNoWriMo!

so, anyone else doing NaNoWriMo this year? i am hoping i'll be able to, but if school keeps me too busy, i'll have to give in... again. plus, i might have to start taking tap dance in November so that i can try out for "Thoroughly Modern Milly" in the spring.

my only problem is that, while i have great rhythm mostly, i do not have it in my feet. at all. i feel sorry for the girls that were in my ballet class when i was little. they had their feets stomped on.

oopsie daisy....

they need to fix the climate in this school. they already more or less fixed the social climate, but i mean the
c l i m a t e
climate. as in, one day it is burning hot, and the next it's freezing cold. dubya tee eff, WHS!

my grade school enemy is now a rather good friend of mine - we have to work together in algebra 2, and we sit next to each other in bio. it's no use hating her. and she's actually not as mean as i thought she was.

and yes, i am just rambling on and on right now. i don't feel like doing anything else.

the first official home game of the season (football wise) is tomorrow night. i might try and go. though i'd rather go to greene's home game. i want to root for my boys there. i can be a better cheerleader for them than the cheerleaders can.
i may or may not be a little louder than them...
o k, f i n e. a l o t  l o u d e r.

i s u m m a r y . . .
i am a loud mouth drama queen, and dang proud of it.


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

ruuuuuuuuuuuuuule breaker

hello everyone!
guess what?
i am updating this at school!
they don't have any of my writing sites or my blogs blocked, and i have a computer class where the work is really easy, so i have free time :D
i am sooooooo sorry i haven't updated in a while. i've been behind because of... well, high school.

i am behind in writing, behind in emails, behind in all social aspects of my world. which kinda sucks. but, so far i am doing fairly well in school. which is what is really important.

but, i plan on starting up my posts on The Danger Magnet again, as soon as I figure out some stuff to type up for it. i also want to post at least once a week.... hopefully.

and, unfortunately, i came up with yet another story idea. TOO MANY.
too. freaking. many.

i don't have enough time to write one, let alone 5.
i am hoping that in november i'll be able to do NaNoWriMo.
(hopefully Bailey Kelsey will take me under her wing as a NaNoNewbie)

mah bestie zoeyyyy is sitting right next to me reading what i am typing. say hi, zoey.

well, i think i have less than ten minutes before i have to leave for el espanol dos, so i'm gonna make sure i actually have the right book.... and my coffeeeeee....


PS: yesterday, i attempted to make it through the day without any form of caffeine... i survived, but i am NEVER DOING THAT AGAIN!

Monday, August 16, 2010

writers' workshops are FUN! pilondial cysts are NOT!

okay, so it's been awhile since i've posted,
A) since i've been away from the computer a lot and B) because it's been really hard for me to sit down lately because i had a very, VERY painful cyst.

pilondial cysts are no fun, and if it comes back my doc wants me to have surgery.

*weeps in the corner because i really don't like needles*

BUT after the doctor got me with a needle but made me feel much better, i got to go to a writers' workshop which was super fun.

it was hosted at my library by kristina mcbride, author of the tension of opposites which i still really need to read.

but she was absolutely fan-fricking-tabulous and super-nice to even me, Miss Talksalot.

she gave us a lot of information and ideas, and i found it all extremely helpful and i would much rather spend three hours every weekend like that rather than watching crappy movies at my father's.

plus, i made a couple of friends up that-a-way, which is awesome, because i know NOBODY where my dad lives. that know is now a knew.

EDITTTT::: okay, apparently flickr is not going to let me right-click-and-save or give me a screen so i can post a picture from a link (go die in a hole, flickr)
but i will give you the linky so you can have a looksee at the entire album.

i am the one in the floral dress, right next to the blonde who was the author (i gave her bunny ears in one of the pictures... heheheh :D), kristina mcbride, and the two girls in front of kristina and i are the friends i made. WOOT.
i am cut-off in all of the candid photos, so i am in like a total of three. but you can see my glasses, notebook, and sweater in a lot of them....

i am getting enrolled in my local high school tomorrow, and i am morbidly excited for school to start on the twenty-fifth.
except for the fact i have to read farenheit 451 and the alchemist in less than ten days...

oi vey.


for more information on author kristina mcbride, visit her website here.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

finding houses & back to school excitement

i haven't posted since july, so here we go:

my john mayer + train concert was amazing. the boys were, needless to say, fuckhawt.
and so was the weather. but john was... *wolf-whistles*

as you can see right here:

hayyyyyloooooo gorgeousssss....
i want zee bandana. i WANTZZZZZ.

and, for the encore, i ended up about ten feet away from him coz he headed to a seperate, small stage. if dad and i would have listened to my stepmother, well, i would probably never wash my hand again.

om nom nom nom...

if only i hadn't gone with my dad and my stepmom...

anyways, after that, my mom and i looked at a couple of houses, one of which i fell absolutely in love with.

mom and i have been trying to move from our farmhouse, old with 54 acres of land, for the past five years. we love it, but no one in our "family" is physically able to work on it. my mom with heart problems, gluten intolerant, and chronic fatigue syndrome; my stepdad with two bad hips, a bad back, bad knees, and bad nerves;  and me, with asthma, and not the best stamina.

yeah, kind of hard to take care of a farm, no animals or anything, but farm.

anyways, the prime suspect right now is an adorably cozy house in the historic district of a town that close by to anything and everything.
hardwood floors, the room that i would get has a little deck which is over the sun porch....
and it's within two blocks of a record store, three book stores, the library...

yeah, i like it.

while i won't be in that school district immediately for my sophomore year, i am kind of excited for school... even though i despise the school district i currently live in.

all of my extra social events will be at my old school, where the lovely leila and the sweetheart sweets go to school, i won't be too miserable...

but i'm a school supply nerd. i love them. i like getting tons of those 15 cent notebooks, pencils, brightly colored pens...

and... i... am... running out of words...

so, goodnight, lovies.
