
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

class rings

hayloo lovie-dovies.

today sophomores are going to an assembly type thing for class rings.
woo effing hoo.

likely an hours worth of boring, useless information. i'm not getting one.
so, hopefully i won't get yelled at if i bring my notebook and work on my plot and paper project.

i accidentally cut sexeh acting partner with a cable today.
not on purpose.
he was playing with it, it was his own fault.
but it cut him.
and now i feel really bad.

i am still totally #teamhatewednesday.
i am having an awful day.

first i finally figured something out.
and it was dreadful.
i've been mad - no, pissed! - at my best friend for almost a year...
and this morning information fell together that made me feel so guilty.
so. so. so. so. so. guilty.
i honestly didn't have a reason to be mad at him.

but now, i realize, the blame pretty much falls on my dad. and me.

mostly my dad.

and now i haven't spoken to that best friend really since february.

what. have. i. done.

that has made me grouchy all morning.
then adding the cutting levi with that cable (i am soooo sooo sorry levi! though i know you have no way of reading this) and the effing sophomore class meeting for class rings, and i'm a downright witch-with-a-b.

the good thing is that i didn't need my coffee this morning.
because that realization woke me up like someone shoving me into an ocean full of ice water.

i honestly just want to go home. my head is killing me {thank you, migrane} and i just want sleep and knitting needles and some veronica mars... or glee.

p l o t ♥ a n d ♥ p a p e r ♥ p r o j e c t

i am currently just over twenty pages into my plot&paper, and there has already been a covered up bruise and a bad breakup.

*cue the breaking up is hard to do song*

and i'm on chapter two. barely. which is pretty good, for me, at least.

well, later, lovelies.


Monday, September 20, 2010

terrible twos

hayloooo lovie-dovies, and happy monday.

psh. contradiction of terms, but today hasn't been that bad so far.

i spent the weekend camping, volunteering, and babysitting at a local earth work.
baby james (who is 18 months old and totally adorable) was a little mischievous, but otherwise well behaved.
but try walking three miles while holding a toddler in your arms. (one trip around the serpent is one mile, if i remember right.)
he has gotten so big!
his sisters and i all babysat him, the spoiled little boy :)

but, watching him for over 24 hours has made me realize something.

uh uh. no way. no how. not until i'm at least 23.

i did not make the play *sadpanda* but that's okay. he said that my name kept going towards the top of the list, but there weren't enough female parts (there are only two in the odd couple).
i told him if there are any stage jobs where i can be bossy, i will gladly work stage crew.

in acting today, we were working on our monologues. again.
today we were working on memorizing them.
and oz didn't make me and sexeh acting partner split up!

but dori got added to our group (i heart her) coz her partner wasn't here today.

my monologue is pretty long, but i have at least half of it memorized, which i am proud of :D
i have sexeh acting partner's monologue COMPLETELY memorized, though.
it's ferris bueller. it's hard not to memorize.

sexeh acting partner is now also known as terrible two, because he was acting worse than baby james was this weekend.

i jacked a piece of his gum, though.

and he looks dang good in neon blue skinny jeans.

like, drool worthy.

before you even ask it, yes, yes, rissa has a crush.
shutit. shutit.

or i'll sick frenchie on you.

frenchie: *prepares to lick your face*

y'know, sexeh acting partner has really pretty eyes...

anyone who knows me in RL knows i am a total sucker for blue eyed boys.
but he has frickin' silver eyes.

i think i may have just became more of a silver eye girl than a blue eye girl.

*starts to daydream*

frenchie: *licks my face*

me: *snaps out of it* dammit, frenchie!

frenchie: *llama grin*

class is almost over.
