
Saturday, October 16, 2010

duuuuuh-dunn! duuuuuuuuuh-dunn! duh-dun-duh-dun-duh-dun! it's almost heeeeeeeeeeee-re!

haylooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo lovie dovies!

guess what!!

it's almost here!

what is "it," exactly?


i know what you're thinking.
and no, i'm not edward cullen.
but, unless you have writer friends or are a writer yourself, you probably have absolutely N O  C L U E what NaNoWriMo is.

in short, NaNoWriMo is 50 T H O U S A N D words in 30 days.
sounds impossible, doesn't it?
well, allow me to let you in on a little secret.
closer...closer... closer...
it is possible.
some people even finish two.

some crazy, insane, completely out-of-their-mind writers actually attempt this.
including myself.
and i'm in high school.
i have homework and quizzes and tests and chores and friends and a boyfriend...
and i'm attempting to write a novel in that short of time.

and, really, i'm actually kinda confident i can balance it all and at least hit the 25k mark by the end of november.

codey says i'll make it waaayyy past that, but i'm trying to be realistic.
but he also says that i can be social just by sitting with him while i write, so...
i might.

i know what you're thinking again.
"but what about the plot and paper project?"
plot and paper's deadline is December 31.
i'm assuming that's midnight on new years', hopefully.
i am currently at 37 pages.
i'm hoping to reach somewhere near the 50 page mark before November 1. maybe even the 60 page mark.
and, during NaNoWriMo, it'll be my writers' block blocker. i'll work on it when i can't work on Bare Feet & October Daisies. and then i'll write more on it in December while i let BF&OD stew, and i'll look at it with fresh eyes, later.

i have some crazily big dreams and expectations.
can i honestly finish them both by their deadlines? probably not.
can i realistically expect that things aren't going to cause my writing to go to the wayside along the way? of course not.
but, go big or go home.


p.s: for more information on National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), visit
p.s.s: if you're up to the challenge and join NaNo, search either "MourningAndNight" in the Username box, or "Bare Feet & October Daisies" in the Author/Novel Info box.

Friday, October 15, 2010

meh. it's friday. :/

hayloo, lovies.
*sad sigh*

*sad llama*

i'm not exactly happy about today being friday.
i know, who am i? what high school student DOESN'T want it to be friday?
*points at self* this girl.
i don't want it to be friday, because, drumroll please, i have to go to my DAD'S this weekend.
normally this is just a big, sarcastic woop-dee-doo and a twirl of a finger or jazz hands, but not today.
going to my dad's mean i have to wait until monday morning to see my boyfriend after the 2:40 bell today.
and i'd've been fine with this, had i been able to hang out and study and make him dinner last night, as was the plan.
but, he got up in rebuilding a dog cage some jerk said he hadn't built right originally (which he DID.) so he didn't get to come over.
which made me a very sad and slightly angry girlfriend.
but, it got me to write the best piece of work i've written in, well, ever.

but now for some fill-in-the-blanks from the little things we do

f i l i t h b l a n k s

1. Blogging is a creative outlet for me and my life wouldn't be the same without it.

2. A current fashion trend I wish I was brave enough to wear is a baby doll tunic with leggings and lace. if i owned it i might get the guts to wear it, but who knows.

3. My greatest accomplishment in life thus far is attempting to juggle two writing projects with DEADLINES at once.
(still haven't exactly accomplished this, but i'm hoping to next month)

4. If I had to choose between a mountain or a beach vacation I'd choose ocean vacation, definitely. i am an ocean girl - if i do remember right, "marissa" means "star of the sea".

5. A talent I wish I had is being able to curl my hair without using braids and without absolutely taking forever.

6. A talent I do have is being able to turn my bad moments into beautiful words.

7. This week went by too fast. time flies when you're having fun, i suppose.
i actually let codey read what i wrote last night while i was annoyed with him last night. it was a written down daydream, the way i wanted everything to happen. the surprise of the dinner, the october daisy... though it probably covers about five minutes total time.
i did that by letting him have my scribble pad for the first class period.
and, quite frankly, i freaked the eff out.
i don't like people having my notebook where i can't see it. i might be the tiniest ocd about it.
but now it's back in my possession, and i'm calm...
and i'm going to keep letting him read what i write.

p.s. -- almost to the forty page mark in plot and paper! hoping to reach at least 45 by sunday. le boyf is turning out to be more of an inspiration, less of a distraction.
and he says in november i can be social by writing furiously while sitting on his lap or with my feet on his lap.
i must say, i like this idea.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


hayloo lovie-dovies.

i am typing this so that i don't completely zone out and miss the bell today.
dang you, patrick, for asking about that one thing that i've been doing my best to keep out of my head, and i'd been doing pretty dang good at it, too.
and no, it's not that.
and i was already wound up. ughhhhh.

and, of course, i mention this at codey and he grins evilly at me. that boy is up to something, i swear.
i mean, other than the picnic...
oh, hi mom *blushes*

(i just completely forgot she now reads this blog *facepalm* *waves sheepishly* i love yew mommeh)

in other news, my mom read one of his texts to me last night (thankfully it was just something like a "yes, it will be." i mean, none of them are incriminating, just rather cheesy and flirty and DANGIT I'M A TEENAGE GIRL SHUTUP.) and was able to figure out his signature "" (ahem, *sniffle*) within about two seconds.

also, in light of mocking castle's daughter (we had just watched the episode from monday night - it was pretty good, too!) i sing-songed "mom, how do you know you're in love?"
except for i couldn't keep a straight face as i said it.
and i may have been mildly curious.
mom's reply? "are you just joking or do you want a serious answer?"
me (internally): dang i forgot she can read my mind practically.
me (externally): *sheepish smile while turning from doing dishes* "a little bit of both...?"

and then she talked until my stepdad got back from the gas station.

so, basically, i'm most fluent in spanish right now. my english is total gibberish.
and i don't mind one bit.


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

p&p - distractions and inspiration

haylooo lovie-dovies.
i know i haven't posted since last friday (holy crap who am i?!), but i've been busy.
with plot & paper... and le boyf.

saturday's homecoming dance was really freaking awesome (if the moon fell down will probably now be my permanent favorite song, now), as was staying up until two or three gabbing with leila.

sunday, after i left leila's house was the teeniest bit torture.
i feel like i'm going to end up dying from lack of affection this weekend, probably.


34/180 pages

i know it's not much progress since last week's post, but at least it's something.
plus, people have been asking to read it and i don't exactly feel like saying no.

codey is a major distraction, though. a teeny bit of inspiration, but definitely distraction.
besides, if i do my chores, i get to see codey.
if i work on my novel, i spend more time at the house.

oh, and i've resorted to wearing silly bands to keep myself awake, during class and at home.
the old rubber band trick, but now cuter.

considering my progress, i haven't really gotten to delve into my ideas from last week's post, but i'm hoping i'll still be able to.

AAAAAND i'm brainstorming for NaNoWriMo.

*head explodes*

basically, i have to decide to be true to all of my writing and be antisocial towards my boyfriend (*happy sigh as i think the word*) or neglect my writing.

us writers... we lead rough lives. :P
