
Friday, September 17, 2010

feliz viernes!

haylooooo lovie-dovies.

it's friday.

and i have a baby llama ninja named frenchie who wears a beret.


you'd have to follow me on twitter to understand that...
i'm on page 14 in my plot and paper project, and will be working on it lots more over the weekend.

imma wearin' mah OSU shirt today.
buckeye pride!

f i l l  i n  t h e  b l a n k  f r i d a y

1. When I get a day to myself I write, read, knit, and watch as much TV as I can. 
2. High school was (is).... Meh. I'm indifferent. I don't particularly enjoy it.

3. A little dream I have is to get married. I know, cheesy, but true.

4. A big dream I have is to get published and get a following. That has been my life-long dream.

5. If I could drive any car, my pick would be a red, hard top Mercedes Benz convertible. I saw one the other day and it was fierce. I want it.
6. A time that I felt really and truly beautiful was ... I'm not really sure. I mean, homecoming last year kind of, but...

7. Tomorrow I will.... be at Serpent Mound, minding the craft tables and camping.
ugh, my neck is killing me! i'm hoping to get some writing done in study hall today.
i don't have much time left, so time to say toodles!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

invisible reports

hayloooo lovies.
posting twice in one day! it's a miracle!
ell oh elllll!

so, i'm in the computer lab for study hall again.
i honestly don't actually have anything to work on on the computer.
ok, there is ONE thing. i'm working on figuring out poems to use for the Nancy Thorp poetry contest.
but am i really doing that?
no. okay, a little bit, but more blogging. because i don't have homework.
though i should be working on plot and paper. but i don't wanna right now. maybe tomorrow.

invisible reports come in veddy veddy handy when you want to get on the computer.
i know that i should not deceive my teachers like that (plz not to be hurting me, annie and asheyna) but i would rather play on the computer than sit there in that stuffy classroom rotting my brain away.

that is why i do not bother with a study hall.

my hair is soooo messy right now. at least it's in a bun. i was too lazy to try and make it look nice because i did this bun in about ten seconds or less in my history class.
which is right before lunch and mandatory study hall.

i cannot believe some people actually opt for A N O T H E R study hall. are they effing insane?

i keep running into levi today.
and i A L M O S T think it's on purpose.
but now i know his locker number.
do not call me a stalker. i am not.
just observant.

513 is now my favorite number.

angie isn't here today, so i just sat with sam and andrea at lunch (aka i just sat at my usual table minus the angie)
and i keep waiting for the sophomore year "jocks" to turn around and say
with wide eyes and drool coming out of their mouths.
looking at andy and sam, of course.
i just listen and laugh
let's just say it's not exactly G rated... or even PG-13.
they joke that they're corrupting me.
my reply?
"i'm already corrupted in the head! don't even bother with worrying about it."

because, between twitter and bus rides, (and just growing up) i have already been corrupted in the head.

ugh, this desk is killing my wrists! there's a metal part and it is sharp and is right where my wrists hit when i'm typing. and i think it might of just broke skin.
ewwwwwwww germies.

if i get the time after i get home, i am definitely posting a wishlist (like on annie's blog!)
because my 15th birthday is november 5! W00T W00T!

well, gotta go! less than five minutes until i leave for algebra.


school. bleh.

hayloooo, lovie-dovies.


you know i'm exhausted if i've almost fallen asleep in english class yesterday, bio today, and on bus rides to and from school.

i. need. caffeine.

and/or food.
yesterday, i hardly had anything for lunch because we hardly had anything to pack for lunch. so, i had like three sandwiches when i got home.
that is how fracking hungry i was.

aaaaandddd annoying news:
we (meaning levi and i) have been asked if we were dating.
two days in a row.
by. the. same. people.

just because we have stage chemistry does not mean we have actual chemistry.
*mumbles something*

but it's seriously effing annoying.
it feels like last year all over again (meaning the "are you dating? you two would make such a keeeyoooot couple!").
except for, i'm in an actual high school,
i don't have a date (of the opposite sex - leila, you are still my date, right? lol),
some people who i was talking to last year haven't talked to me since february,
and a certain somebody is still. dead.

i didn't get to write at auditions last night because they were very hands on. we all tried out at the same time. i'm going back tonight.
it was so much fun, though!
plus i found out we have wifi in the cafeteria/auditorium.
and it's not locked!!!1!!!1111!!!

i really hope i get a part in the play. it'll look good on transcripts and it'll be fun.

this morning, i was not hug attacked by dearest exboyf, but instead got an arm around me by one of zoezoe's senior friends.

my initial thought:
"uh, who the hell is this guy and why does he have his arm around me?"

two seconds later:
"awwwh, f*ck it."

simply because i like hugs.

p l o t  &  p a p e r  p r o j e c t

hopefully, i will get a lot of writing done this weekend while i'm camping at serpent mound.
and, hopefully the mound will help me write.
or the fact that there is no internet or cell service there.
*starts sobbing*


i will surely be insane by the end of the weekend.
that or i'll sneak to bev and jim's house and hijack their internet.
wait, that sounds like a pretty good idea!

levi *is* adorable though.
really adorable.
and awesome to work with in acting.

awwwh, who'mah kidding.
that boy is freaking sexy.

but, today he kept trying to get people to pick me to read my monologue (from the first tape in the book of Thirteen Reasons Why) because a) he thought it was a good choice, b) he thought i was good at it, and c) he wanted to show the class that i can be totally serious.
because, around him, i tend to be a total clown.

like, we were totally faux ninja / cat fighting yesterday.
and we were very loud.
and he is very distracting.

the adorableness....

well, before i get more distracted between exhaustion and trying not to think about levi, i better go.


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

study hall and an update on plot and paper!

haylooooo lovie-dovies.
how ya be?

i am currently in study hall (ok, not in my actual study hall class, but across the hall in the empty computer lab - well, empty except for sam)

my back huuuuuurts and i do not want to go to algebra.
i am so tired from staying up late and putting poems together in a composition book so my english teacher could look at them to see if she wanted to sponsor me in a poetry contest.

i hope she does, and i hope she'll have an opinion on which to use!

i am still starving though i just got back from eating lunch.
i didn't pack enough because we don't have a lot of food at home right now.
we have to go to the grocery store before or after my "the odd couple" audtition tonight.

i am most definitely bringing my plot and paper project with me tonight, though. that way i'll be able to get some done while i'm waiting to audition.

speaking of my plot and paper project, i am currently on page twelve or thirteen, and am so jealous of glenna who is somewhere in the ninety page zone.
how the hell did you do that, blue lipstick samurai?!

i like how it's developing, though.
it's actually a story that i wrote 20K into last year, but needed some definite TLC after my abandoning it.
i started in a different place this time, and it's going much better.
more drama.

drama in books = good
drama in life = bad

well, i have to go back into my study hall classroom and get my stuff, so later gators!


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

drama king & queen

hayloo, lovie-dovies.
i have like ten minutes or less to write this post, so i better hurry up.

i proudly bear the name "drama queen" most of the time. as long as it's not drama queen as in is a total bitch (in a bad way) and makes too much out of everything.

i mean drama queen where you're dramatic and funny when the situation calls for it.

like, per se, in acting class.

oz (aka mr. wallingford. i call him oz.) didn't make levi and i split up today in acting.
and, honestly, i'm starting to think that he splits us up because we're loud, not because we need to work with other people.

yeah, we might get a little loud when we work together. but we have to be able to throw our voices!
ok, FINE, we get VERYYY loud. yelling and such.

but it's fun and it's expected in acting class.

he is the drama king to my drama queen, quite honestly.

he is awesome, just as an eff whyyy aiiii.

i have developed a very strong love for contentless scenes. especially when they involve numbers, because then it's combining two of my favorite things:::
math and being dramatic.

on another note, i just finished 150 words that i had for homework in us history last night. i am soooo fracking glad i finished it.
i am a total procrastinator, but also completely OCD about my schoolwork and grades.
it's painful, really.

i love wearing pigtails. they're fun.

oh, and i finished 13 reasons why last night.
one of my absolute favorite books now, and i'm using a monologue from in tomorrow in acting class.

chao, loves.


Monday, September 13, 2010

happy monday! {is a contradiction of terms}

haylooo, lovie-dovies.
back in computer apps again.
and it is monday.
i typically don't like mondays. but, for some reason, today i'm feelin' pretty dang good.
and i haven't had any caffeine.
dubya tee eff?

as always, acting class is already the highlight of my day. mostly because i enjoy being dramatic.
but levi and i got seperated *sniffle*

i do understand it, we need to work with more than just one person, but i haven't worked with him THAT much.

and, dearest Eve S. D'ropper (haiiiiiii colleeeeeeeen ;D )
i will post more about levi.
but later, when i'm not at school where people can read over my shoulder. (i'm lookin' at you, zoezoe)

u p d a t e s
  • i am almost finished with jay asher's "thirteen reasons why." i love it. everyone needs to read it. especially those who have considered suicide before.
  • i got my signed copy of kelsey skaggs' "lady liberty" album over the weekend, and it is freaking amazing. except, when i hear "l-o-v-e", i still here the little "click-click-click" thing from the booth. (y'know, the recording booth?)
  • i will admit that i didn't get much of my plot & paper project done over the weekend. i started getting on a roll on saturday night, but we ended up leaving right after i started getting into that groove.
  • i am trying out for the odd couple on wednesday and thursday. i checked out one of the scripts today, and it is currently on top of my stack of books.
okay, i am like totally praying that i don't get much homework today, because i am literally craving writing. yes, that is possible.
luckily, so far, i don't have any. because we turned in our packets for bio today, and i don't study, so there's nothing there. i'll probably have math homework (which i'll just do in study hall tomorrow) and probably english work. possibly history, but i bet i'll get that done in class.

i am really really hungry and have two hours until lunch.
two whole classes where i actually have to learn.
eff emm ell!
actually, i think the only reason i'm noticing it is because i'm wearing a belt today to cinch a shirt, and i'm not used to wearing a belt that tight that high. which could very possibly mean i'm not as hungry as i feel.
i betcha angie'll ditch me again at lunch today.
but that's fine, i'll just sit with the awesome new girl sam who is one of the only other sophomores in my history class.
(we have to take freshman history because the schools we went to last year had US History for sophomores and World Studies for freshman. damn you, WHS, get it right!)

well, it's almost time to get out of class, so i might post more later.
