
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

drama king & queen

hayloo, lovie-dovies.
i have like ten minutes or less to write this post, so i better hurry up.

i proudly bear the name "drama queen" most of the time. as long as it's not drama queen as in is a total bitch (in a bad way) and makes too much out of everything.

i mean drama queen where you're dramatic and funny when the situation calls for it.

like, per se, in acting class.

oz (aka mr. wallingford. i call him oz.) didn't make levi and i split up today in acting.
and, honestly, i'm starting to think that he splits us up because we're loud, not because we need to work with other people.

yeah, we might get a little loud when we work together. but we have to be able to throw our voices!
ok, FINE, we get VERYYY loud. yelling and such.

but it's fun and it's expected in acting class.

he is the drama king to my drama queen, quite honestly.

he is awesome, just as an eff whyyy aiiii.

i have developed a very strong love for contentless scenes. especially when they involve numbers, because then it's combining two of my favorite things:::
math and being dramatic.

on another note, i just finished 150 words that i had for homework in us history last night. i am soooo fracking glad i finished it.
i am a total procrastinator, but also completely OCD about my schoolwork and grades.
it's painful, really.

i love wearing pigtails. they're fun.

oh, and i finished 13 reasons why last night.
one of my absolute favorite books now, and i'm using a monologue from in tomorrow in acting class.

chao, loves.


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