
Thursday, September 16, 2010

invisible reports

hayloooo lovies.
posting twice in one day! it's a miracle!
ell oh elllll!

so, i'm in the computer lab for study hall again.
i honestly don't actually have anything to work on on the computer.
ok, there is ONE thing. i'm working on figuring out poems to use for the Nancy Thorp poetry contest.
but am i really doing that?
no. okay, a little bit, but more blogging. because i don't have homework.
though i should be working on plot and paper. but i don't wanna right now. maybe tomorrow.

invisible reports come in veddy veddy handy when you want to get on the computer.
i know that i should not deceive my teachers like that (plz not to be hurting me, annie and asheyna) but i would rather play on the computer than sit there in that stuffy classroom rotting my brain away.

that is why i do not bother with a study hall.

my hair is soooo messy right now. at least it's in a bun. i was too lazy to try and make it look nice because i did this bun in about ten seconds or less in my history class.
which is right before lunch and mandatory study hall.

i cannot believe some people actually opt for A N O T H E R study hall. are they effing insane?

i keep running into levi today.
and i A L M O S T think it's on purpose.
but now i know his locker number.
do not call me a stalker. i am not.
just observant.

513 is now my favorite number.

angie isn't here today, so i just sat with sam and andrea at lunch (aka i just sat at my usual table minus the angie)
and i keep waiting for the sophomore year "jocks" to turn around and say
with wide eyes and drool coming out of their mouths.
looking at andy and sam, of course.
i just listen and laugh
let's just say it's not exactly G rated... or even PG-13.
they joke that they're corrupting me.
my reply?
"i'm already corrupted in the head! don't even bother with worrying about it."

because, between twitter and bus rides, (and just growing up) i have already been corrupted in the head.

ugh, this desk is killing my wrists! there's a metal part and it is sharp and is right where my wrists hit when i'm typing. and i think it might of just broke skin.
ewwwwwwww germies.

if i get the time after i get home, i am definitely posting a wishlist (like on annie's blog!)
because my 15th birthday is november 5! W00T W00T!

well, gotta go! less than five minutes until i leave for algebra.


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