
Friday, September 17, 2010

feliz viernes!

haylooooo lovie-dovies.

it's friday.

and i have a baby llama ninja named frenchie who wears a beret.


you'd have to follow me on twitter to understand that...
i'm on page 14 in my plot and paper project, and will be working on it lots more over the weekend.

imma wearin' mah OSU shirt today.
buckeye pride!

f i l l  i n  t h e  b l a n k  f r i d a y

1. When I get a day to myself I write, read, knit, and watch as much TV as I can. 
2. High school was (is).... Meh. I'm indifferent. I don't particularly enjoy it.

3. A little dream I have is to get married. I know, cheesy, but true.

4. A big dream I have is to get published and get a following. That has been my life-long dream.

5. If I could drive any car, my pick would be a red, hard top Mercedes Benz convertible. I saw one the other day and it was fierce. I want it.
6. A time that I felt really and truly beautiful was ... I'm not really sure. I mean, homecoming last year kind of, but...

7. Tomorrow I will.... be at Serpent Mound, minding the craft tables and camping.
ugh, my neck is killing me! i'm hoping to get some writing done in study hall today.
i don't have much time left, so time to say toodles!

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