
Friday, October 15, 2010

meh. it's friday. :/

hayloo, lovies.
*sad sigh*

*sad llama*

i'm not exactly happy about today being friday.
i know, who am i? what high school student DOESN'T want it to be friday?
*points at self* this girl.
i don't want it to be friday, because, drumroll please, i have to go to my DAD'S this weekend.
normally this is just a big, sarcastic woop-dee-doo and a twirl of a finger or jazz hands, but not today.
going to my dad's mean i have to wait until monday morning to see my boyfriend after the 2:40 bell today.
and i'd've been fine with this, had i been able to hang out and study and make him dinner last night, as was the plan.
but, he got up in rebuilding a dog cage some jerk said he hadn't built right originally (which he DID.) so he didn't get to come over.
which made me a very sad and slightly angry girlfriend.
but, it got me to write the best piece of work i've written in, well, ever.

but now for some fill-in-the-blanks from the little things we do

f i l i t h b l a n k s

1. Blogging is a creative outlet for me and my life wouldn't be the same without it.

2. A current fashion trend I wish I was brave enough to wear is a baby doll tunic with leggings and lace. if i owned it i might get the guts to wear it, but who knows.

3. My greatest accomplishment in life thus far is attempting to juggle two writing projects with DEADLINES at once.
(still haven't exactly accomplished this, but i'm hoping to next month)

4. If I had to choose between a mountain or a beach vacation I'd choose ocean vacation, definitely. i am an ocean girl - if i do remember right, "marissa" means "star of the sea".

5. A talent I wish I had is being able to curl my hair without using braids and without absolutely taking forever.

6. A talent I do have is being able to turn my bad moments into beautiful words.

7. This week went by too fast. time flies when you're having fun, i suppose.
i actually let codey read what i wrote last night while i was annoyed with him last night. it was a written down daydream, the way i wanted everything to happen. the surprise of the dinner, the october daisy... though it probably covers about five minutes total time.
i did that by letting him have my scribble pad for the first class period.
and, quite frankly, i freaked the eff out.
i don't like people having my notebook where i can't see it. i might be the tiniest ocd about it.
but now it's back in my possession, and i'm calm...
and i'm going to keep letting him read what i write.

p.s. -- almost to the forty page mark in plot and paper! hoping to reach at least 45 by sunday. le boyf is turning out to be more of an inspiration, less of a distraction.
and he says in november i can be social by writing furiously while sitting on his lap or with my feet on his lap.
i must say, i like this idea.

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