
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

p&p - distractions and inspiration

haylooo lovie-dovies.
i know i haven't posted since last friday (holy crap who am i?!), but i've been busy.
with plot & paper... and le boyf.

saturday's homecoming dance was really freaking awesome (if the moon fell down will probably now be my permanent favorite song, now), as was staying up until two or three gabbing with leila.

sunday, after i left leila's house was the teeniest bit torture.
i feel like i'm going to end up dying from lack of affection this weekend, probably.


34/180 pages

i know it's not much progress since last week's post, but at least it's something.
plus, people have been asking to read it and i don't exactly feel like saying no.

codey is a major distraction, though. a teeny bit of inspiration, but definitely distraction.
besides, if i do my chores, i get to see codey.
if i work on my novel, i spend more time at the house.

oh, and i've resorted to wearing silly bands to keep myself awake, during class and at home.
the old rubber band trick, but now cuter.

considering my progress, i haven't really gotten to delve into my ideas from last week's post, but i'm hoping i'll still be able to.

AAAAAND i'm brainstorming for NaNoWriMo.

*head explodes*

basically, i have to decide to be true to all of my writing and be antisocial towards my boyfriend (*happy sigh as i think the word*) or neglect my writing.

us writers... we lead rough lives. :P



Unknown said...

What is this I read... You has novio?! Since when?!!!! Congrats! :D

Rissa said...

Heheh. Si, Annie :) (thank you Google Translate) and it's almost been two weeks, will be this Saturday :D