
Sunday, September 5, 2010

sore throats & G.D.O-s

hello, loves!

i love sundays. especially sundays where i get to have a g.d.o (girl's day out) with my momma. 
we went to one of my favorite little towns (think stars hollow, but full of hippies and hipsters), in search of a seemingly elusive stitch-n-bitch.

we didn't find it. we checked every coffee shop in town (there are about ten), and every single one referred us to a different one.
it was still fun, though.
and, in the end, i got an early birthday present::
a hematite and sterling silver ring, with rather complex metal work. i looooooooooove it.

but, i was walking around all day with a sore throat and a sinus headache.
which sucked.
like, majorly.

since i was about half done with my english essay prior to the weekend, i am going to finish it tomorrow. tonight, it is veronica mars and pull-n-peel twizzlers.
om nom nom.

i love three day weekends a crazy amount.
especially after a friday full of unexpected twists and turns.

first, zoe and i were waiting for the first bell (the one that allows us to go to our lockers -- until then, we're stuck outside, in the lobby, or in the cafeteria) and we were walking around. i can sum up this event in two words::: haylooooooo nelson.
freshman aren't supposed to be that cute. or tall. it's against the rules.

second, zoe dragged me into the cafeteria. i am never in there before school starts, so it was weird for me.
what was even weirder was my ex-boyfriend (who now has a mohawk -- UGHHHHH) hugged me. hugged me.

then, in either biology or computer apps, (i think it was bio because we were setting up an experiment...) zoe was like "i can introduce you to nelson/set you guys up." 
conflict of interest, here. a) i wanna stick to my "lonely hearts club" pact, but b) dayummmm.

 and, to top it all off, andrew (also known as pickleseimer) for some reason is being nice to me.
dubya tee eff?

well, the twizzlers and netflix await me.


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