
Sunday, May 16, 2010


Why is it that I always get the strongest urge to write on my WIP when I'm supposed to be writing something else?

Like my Modern World Studies paper, for example.  Or my Health paper.
I'm sorry, I'd just rather let Chickyy take over my brain for a little bit than read the Roe vs. Wade case or write a fact sheet about contraceptives.


Nooooooooo thank youuuuuuuuuu.

I'll probably just stay up until three again AFTER finishing my Health and Modern World Studies "homework" like I did last night.
Speaking of which, I got a nice, strong start on ChickyLit.  Six pages total. 
That NEVER happens in one night. 

I bid you farewell, lovely blogosphere...
If you don't hear from me in two days, SEND HALP PLZ.



Unknown said...

I get the whole being distracted thing. *shrugs* It happens. I find that if you give that distraction five minutes of your time and then move on, you are often able to refocus your energies. It's almost like the distraction is a high energy five year old tugging on your sleeve, lol. Just humor it and then move on. :)

Did I mention I adore your new blog layout?

Rissa said...

Noooooooooo you didn't. But thank youuu =)

And I kinda did that. I just scribbled for a couple of minutes. It definitely helped!