
Thursday, November 24, 2011

happy thanksgiving

i can't help myself. even if i do do a gratitude list every day, i really love thanksgiving (who am i and what have i done with myself? a few years ago those words never would have left my fingers!)

my real issue with this holiday is that it really makes me miss grandpa. i just immediately associate thanksgiving (and christmas) with him.

anyways, this year i'm thankful for...
* my family, whether they're related by blood, marriage, heart, or theatre.
* all of my online friends. sometimes they're more supportive than people in the real world.
* beginnings and endings.
*my mom.
*my writing and my books. they always provide an escape route when i need one.
*good food.
*the clothes on my back - especially when they're cute :P
*my home.
*my life.

happy thanksgiving!!!

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