
Friday, May 7, 2010

Fill-In-The-Blanks! {books}

I honestly have too much fun doing these fill-in-the-blanks.
I blame you, Annie!

Anyhoo, this is brought to you by Lauren's blog.

This is gonna be tricky for me, because I absolutely LOVE books. 

My favorite book growing up was probably the "Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle" series.  My teacher in second grade read them to us, and I still have four of the books.  

The funniest book I've ever read was probably the "Suite Scarlett" series by Maureen Johson.  Spencer cracks me up, and how can you NOT love Mrs. Amberson??

The one book that has truly changed my life is any of Sarah Dessen's books.  Probably "This Lullaby" or "The Truth About Forever" the most, though.

If you're looking for a real "tear jerker" you should probably read "The Last Song" by Nicholas Sparks. I haven't even read the whole thing and it's made me cry. Which is, I'll admit, a rather easy feat...

If I could meet any author living or dead I would want to meet Maureen Johnson, Sarah Dessen, or Meg Cabot.  They have all truly inspired me, and I feel like by reading their works, my writing has gotten better. Plus, I want to know what the hell is going on inside Maureen's head.

The next book on my "to read" list is "The Last Song" by Nicholas Sparks and a humongous book called "13 Ways of Looking at the Novel."

If I was snowed into a remote cabin in the woods and I could only choose three books to bring with me, I'd bring Girl at Sea by Maureen Johnson, Avalon High by Meg Cabot, and This Lullaby by Sarah Dessen.

So, I'm headed off to my Dad's in a few hours for the weekend.  I know, it's kinda twisted, my being at my Dad's for Mother's Day...
Oh well =)

Have a great weekend!!



Whitney said...

Sarah Dessen books are so good. Have you read her blog? It's hilarious.

Have a great weekend :)

Han said...

I had the audio book of Suite Scarlett (the girlie who reads it, is a little annoying lol) but Mrs Amberson is hilarious and so consumerist lol. (I can't start writing till I have this fab posh pen and these notebooks that are ridiculously expensive lol)

I have the second one upstairs but I haven't finished it yet - I started it then got distracted with another book - ain't that just the way!

Unknown said...

I have Suite Scarlett on my shelf but have yet to read it. I'm excited to now after reading your post! :-D

Rissa said...

@Whitney -- yes, I do. It's constantly at the top of my blog list, always. I love her.

@Han -- I love Maureen Johnson so much. Suite Scarlett and Girl at Sea are my total favorites --You really oughta read Scarlett Fever =)

@Annie -- You will not regret it. Even though I have read every book that my Dad's local library of Maureen's, they're still going on my Christmas list. Along with a couple of Dessen books - I love to re-read 'em!!