Sometimes, some of my favorite books irritate me to no end.
For example, "The Truth About Forever" by Sarah Dessen. It is one of my absolute FAVORITE books EVAR. But, once I have about 70 pages left, I have to majorly slow down, because I get so irked. When I have about
20 pages left, I pick up speed again.
Right now, Eclipse is doiing something similar to this.
I've been trying to get current with the Danger Magnet discussion, but I haven't yet. It kinda snuck up on me at my busiest time of year (FINALS).
I normally could've caught up in a day or so. Not this time. Sparkly is irking me BIG TIME.
Allow me to state that I am Team Switzerland. I love both Jake and Edward. I do have a tendency to lean towards Team Jake, though.
But Eclipse normally brings out my soft spot for Edward.
Ha. Ha. Yeah, it's not working this time.
With multiple readings of the saga, I've analyzed it more and more.
*takes a deep breath*
Edward's behavior with Bella bothers me.
There, I said it. Now, let me explain.
Edward is very chivalrous. There is not a problem with chivalry. It is absolutely awesome when a guy is chivalrous. I just happen to see two different types of chivalry.
Chivalry + respect = gentleman
Chivalry - respect = misogynist
And, to me, Edward seems to lean towards the latter at times.
Which just annoys the hell out of me.
Respect & tolerance are huge deal breakers for me in any kind of relationship, be it friendship or otherwise. If you don't have any, it's truly going to bother me and the friendship is not going to work.
Let's just say I've met and know someone kinda similar to Edward -- in the bad ways.
But, for me, Edward redeems himself with this line:
"Sleep, my Bella. Dream happy dreams. You are the only one who has ever touched my heart. It will always be yours. Sleep, my only love."
And, with that, I bid you goodnight.